About Us
The Christian Dance Boutique and More, along with the Royal Priesthood Christian Dance Academy, are part of the same divine vision. The Boutique which started first in August of 1997, gave birth to the Dance Academy, a few months later. The goal of the Royal Priesthood Christian Dance Academy is to demonstrate to students how to make His praise glorious using the many creative tools God has given us, from our bodies to our garments and an assortment of colorful praise instruments. Although the Christian Dance Boutique & More was a unique, one of a kind, store for the sole purpose of providing suitable modest garments for the Dance Ministry, God has now redirected our focus to teach and re-establish the excellence of true worship in the body of Christ. As an army of Believers, the Lord is preparing His troops, suiting them up for battle and moving them out to reclaim territory stolen by the enemy. We are called to train up God’s people to minister as priests and prophets unto the Lord through evangelism whereby we become the word in motion. The Lord is looking for those who are equipped for the battle, therefore we must study to show ourselves approved. (2Tim 2:15).

Mission Statement
Our Founders

Directors from Left to Right